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Who is WIMS-Cardano?

WIMS-Cardano (Women In Move Solutions) is a global, family-focused, Cardano-based blockchain business community dedicated to diverse ventures with a unified goal: empowering communities, particularly by focusing on women, who are often the pillars of families.

Breaking news! Women In Move Solutions is now an Enterprise member of Intersect. A true sign of commitment to decentralized Cardano Voltaire Era – which is onchain governance.

Greatest Achievements

wims-cardano now enterprise intersect member
WIMS-Cardano is now an Intersect Enterprise Member

One of the greatest achievements WIMS-Cardano realized since joining Cardano is support for WIMS-Cardano Girls Education and IT Tertiary support with Work Integrated Learning and IT internships. View Cardano Africa Live.

wims-cardano IT tertiary upskilling project
wims-cardano IT tertiary upskilling project

WIMS is inclusive—it’s not a women-only community. Men also play significant roles, contributing to building communities alongside women, in alignment with the principles of the UN Women’s Charter.

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WIMS is not an NGO but rather a business community grounded in blockchain technology (in partnership with Cardano and others), though it collaborates with NGOs to address gender imbalances.

wims-cardano lovely, caring and nurting families
wims-cardano lovely, caring and nurturing families


This community was established in 2018 by Women In Move Solutions Pty Ltd, founded by Software Engineer Bernard Sibanda, working alongside women and men interested in IT.

A key success is the emancipation of families from poverty, economic stagnation, and lack of education globally.

WIMS Objectives: 

– Business: Provide access to WIMS blockchain, AI, and IT products and services.
– Economic: Secure investments with tokens backed by various projects.
– Gender: Promote global women’s empowerment.
– Social: Encourage global unity and respect for women.
– Technological: Develop efficient blockchain solutions for all communities.
– Psychological: Boost self-esteem, self-reliance, and fulfillment among disadvantaged women.
– Spiritual: Respect and support participants’ religious beliefs.
– Physical: Enhance the physical wellness of families across the globe.

happy families wims-cardano
happy families wims-cardano smiles!


WIMS envisions a future where millions of women globally participate in blockchain by engaging in activities such as mining transactions, creating blocks, and receiving cryptocurrency rewards. Our vision extends to women offering user-friendly, secure, and scalable blockchain services akin to social media platforms. WIMS aims to lead a revolution, fostering these dreams without any gender bias.

Key Issues WIMS Tackles:

– The gender gap in blockchain and IT.
– Global poverty.
– Limited access to blockchain education.
– Geographic and cultural challenges hindering women’s progress.
– Social, psychological, religious, and cultural obstacles limiting women’s participation in blockchain.
– Raising awareness of blockchain’s benefits.
– Improving user experiences.
– Combatting global physical abuse of women.

caring families wims-cardano
caring families wims-cardano lovely times

Strategic Solutions:

– Collaborate with women to create affordable, efficient, and secure blockchain services.
– Empower women to lead financially sustainable blockchain ventures, such as ICOs, exchanges, mining, and smart contract development.
– Provide hands-on training, mentorship, and positive reinforcement to promote women’s participation in blockchain technology.
– Develop blockchain solutions that overcome geographic and cultural barriers.
– Engage women in developing censorship-resistant decentralized applications (dApps).
– Raise awareness about blockchain’s advantages, such as fast global transactions, immutability, and cost-effectiveness.
– Implement best practices from both centralized and decentralized models.
– Influence gender diversity in major organizations worldwide.
– Leverage the WIM Token (WIMT) for fundraising and stakeholder governance.

wims-cardano lovely families
wims-cardano loving fathers

Below are essential tokens: Ada and  WIMT. 

Cardano and WIMT

Cardano Native Token

wimt token
WIMT Token